
100pcs Spirulina Tablets Enrichment Favorite Pet Food fish crystal red shrimp pet food



Product: Spirulina tablets enrichment favourite pet food fish crystal red shrimp food 100pcs.

Feature: This product is unique in that it is produced entirely of algae, is exceptionally nutrient-dense, does not require a lot of digestive energy, and can stimulate fish in a wide variety of physiological bases.

Rich in protein, amino acids, minerals, chlorophyll, and the like, it can promote the growth of fish and shrimp, as well as improve their vitality and chances of survival. Vitamin content exceeds ten different types. Rich. Because of the unique characteristics of the cell wall structure, it is simple to be absorbed into the digestive system of fish.

Shelf life: Duration of shelf life is two years.

Storage: Place of storage should be one that is cool and dry.

Color: The colour is green.

Quantity: one hundred pieces.

Feeding methods: The feeding method involves putting food directly into the water. When placed in water, the potential for expansion is approximately twofold!

After 2–3 days, it will not decompose or be muddy! Eliminate the problem caused by the muddy water in fish and shrimp farming!

Package includes: Included in the package are one hundred Spirulina tablets.

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